I fvcked this soon to be married lady until her eyes turned blue

Want to tell you about my sneaky link. So I’ve been friends with benefit with a certain bayelsa babe that stays just down my street. She lives in a well furnished two bedroom flat with her fiancée. Her fiancée is an oil worker, he’s got all kinds of money and intends to marry her. I actually went there to fix her kitchen cabinet and that’s how we both started talking
She was really impressed with the work I did in her kitchen. While I was working, she was engaging me in discussions, I knew she was bored at home while her man was at work. From the discussion, I got to know she’s bayelsa babe and a few other things about her. Somehow she started telling me how bored she is in this house and how her fiancée is never around.I told her I live a stone through away, and if she needs anything she can just call me. So I gave her my number. She was really impressed with my work and paid me double. Two days later, she texted me on WhatsApp and was still thanking me for the work, I told her I’m most grateful for the payment, then she asked me if I was busy, told her I’m free, she said to come over.
.I went there at 12noon and stayed with her till evening, we gisted and laughed and saw a movie. She was giving a certain body language during the sxx scene in the movie, then she finally made one statement “I wish my man fvcked me like this” we both laughed. I thought she was joking sha, but then she said it again in another scene. So I told her to stop playing, that I know her man is doing really well in bed, she said “I wish”.
then she was like, do I know how to fvck , I told her that if she wants to find out, all she has to do is get undressed. She took off her clothes immediately, this babe is hot, her th!ghs, her b00bs, her a$$, she’s got all a man dreams about. Seeing her nak€d made me hard immediately. I pounced on her, we started k!ssing and sm00ching. She laid on the couch and spread both legs across the couch hands, giving me a good view of her coochie. I buri£d my head in it cus it smelled so fresh.
Her moans were very sensual, I knew I was k!lling it. I took off my trousers and she pushed me on the chair and started svcking my d!ck, she svcked my balls too, she’s really good, I was groan!ng, she kept svcking and svcking it was really sloppy. I bent her over the couch and she arched her back and made her a$$ clap, omo I wan craz€, the sight of it was pure joy. I inserted slowly making sure she feels every inch, then I started to b@ng her like it was my last day on earth. I had a mission to tear that a$$
Fvcked her until her eyes turned blue. She told me to ch0ke her, and told me not to stop even if she was dy!ng, she turned over, spread her legs and I started ch0king her and thrust!ng inside her with intensity. she was squ!rt!ng and gasp!ng for bre@the but was still telling me not to stop. So I continued, then she cum med with severe vibration like she was going to pa$$ out. I also came as well. She just laid there lifel£$$ Lol.
Then she told me she has never been this satisfied for over a year now. She gave me cash but I told her that I’m not a male prostitut£, we both laughed. Then she said I’m her personal prostitut£ from today. She started calling me to come over, sometimes we would do a quick one in the evening before her man comes home. Whenever her man travels, I spend a day or two with her. It was so cr@zy and fr£aky.One time she made me fvck her in one of her fiancée’s cars, I was making money from her, how can a woman be ready to pay whatever amount just to have satisfying s£x. I had to be one steady vitamins and supplements cus she was draining me. One time she came over to my place and made me fvck her. I was worried my neighbours would hear her screams, but she didn’t care. She even loved the thought of making my neighbours know what we’re doing.
She bought a vibr@ctor but keeps it in my house, so I bring it anytime she wants it, the sxx was w!ld and fun but I started fearing women and I couldn’t get into a relationship, fear of karma, but at the same time I couldn’t resist her. I hope it doesn’t backfire and happen to me, cus no matter how big your deek is, there’s always someone with a bigger deek