+18 Comic Stories

Goblin Girl at the Golden Griffin [Horner Flook]

Goblin Girl at the Golden Griffin [Horner Flook] [Ongoing]

Goblins are legendary creatures from the folklore and mythology of many cultures, including western Europe. They are often depicted as small humanoid beings, usually green, with large, pointy noses, pointed ears, and sharp teeth. Goblins are known for their mischievous nature and are often described as mischievous, teasing, and even evil. These creatures appear in many stories and fairy tales, where they play different roles. In some stories, they are portrayed as thieves or child kidnappers, while in others they are portrayed as fairy helpers or even comic characters. They are often associated with caves, dark forests and other dark places. It is worth mentioning that the description and behavior of goblins may vary according to the cultural tradition or the work in which they are portrayed. Overall though, goblins are creatures of folklore that play distinct roles in different stories and myths.

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