My girlfriend is pregnant, So I had arranged to move all her stuff out behind her back.
We were dating for a year and a half when she moved in with me. I’m nw 25. weeks ago, I got home from work, and my girlfriend was standing in the living room smiling. She Showed me the positive pregnancy test. Thinking
it was a TikTok prank, I played along. When she
didn’t reveal it was a prank, I knew what had
happened, but I continued playing along.
That night, I got up at midnight and started
sending emails. I took a week off work and
emailed my best friends the details, telling them
to pretend they knew nothing and be prepared.
The next morning, I left for work as usual, butl
didn’t go to work. Carl, one of my friends, was
waiting outside. He had a cap and a hoodie ready
for me. The whole week, we followed Katie, and
on day 3, she met up with her aff”air partner. We
followed them toa motel, and then Carl followed
him to his home. The guy was married with kids.
We devised a plan. I convinced Katie to go to her
parents’ house to tell them the good news last
Saturday. While there, I gave my friends the keys
to my home. At Katie’s parents’ house, we had
lunch with the parents and siblings first, and then
Katie told them the good news. Everyone was
After a while, I got a call l had to take. It was my
friends telling me they were done and ready. Sol
asked to make an announcement. I pulled Katie
aside in front of everyone. I bet they thought I
was going to propose. I started by telling how we
met, how much she meant to me, and ended
with, “And that’s why it hu**rt so much that you
che’ated on me and got pregnant by someone
else.” The room was silent. Katie looked shocked.
She started telling me it wasn’t a funny joke. I
said I’m not joking. The moment you told me you
were pregnant, I knew you cheʻated. I got a
vasectomy five years ago, and l go to check-ups
every year. So if you’re pregnant, you have
At that moment, her phone rang. I told her to
answer it. It was probably \[AP’s full name\].
You know, the REAL father of your baby.
Probably wants to talk about you moving in.
Not sure if his wife and kids are going to like
What happened was that my friends had
loaded up everything of Katie’s in a U-Haul and
brought it to AP’s home. When they called me,
they were in front of his home for the final part.
They rang the doorbell and asked the AP where
they could put her things. He was confused,
and they handed him and his wife a folder with
pictures of him and Katie. And Carl said, “Since
OP is kicking her out, she needs a place to stay.
We’re just here delivering her things. And since
you don’t want the woman who is pregnant
with your child to stay on the street, we
assumed you would take her in.” AP called
Katie yelling that she rui’ned his life and he
never wants to see her again.