Read Mature +18 Stories in March 2025

Going Nova – S01 E05

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 5

Going Nova – S01 E05





Once again, she was lost to the world around her. She breathed sharply, feeling as if any moment she might go tumbling off the edge into insanity. Her vision tunneled, but she gripped the desk in front of her, trying to pay attention to the animals, cute little ducks, on the film in front of her. The hot projector air blew across her skin and goosebumps crisscrossed her neck and back. She felt as if she was heading toward a kind of point of no return. She shivered and moaned and she hoped nobody could hear her over the sound of the movie and projector machine, but she was unable to know for sure. She dared not look around in the darkness. Meanwhile the vibrations in her seat zeroed in on her little pussy. She squirmed, trying to fight the urge to give in, fighting the urge to touch herself. She put one hand flat on her seat between her legs, trying to stay the tremor. Her legs were slick with her dew and she only felt compelled to rub her crotch against her arm.



At last she gave in. She moved her hand to where her pussy lay beneath her jeans. “Ah! Hhh, oh! Ahh!” She exclaimed aloud. She humped her hips uncontrollably, skidding her desk forward. It crashed into the seat of the boy in front of her, and he turned around. She barely paid him any attention, though. Her other hand went up under her shirt and massaged one of her nipples.



The boy’s eyes went wide as he saw her lewdly touching herself in class. Brie was aware that she was acting inappropriately, but she somehow couldn’t bring herself to stop. The boy gasped and it drew the attention of the rest of class.



“Brie! Brie,” she heard Mr. Ivarson talking to her, but he was far away and hard to discern. He flipped on the light to reveal her continuing to grind her sensitive pussy against her hand through her jeans.



Each moment of pressure was building to something she didn’t understand. Her hand on her chest was adding to the sensation, sending shocks from her nipple into her body and down into her panties.



She decided then that her shirt just had to come off, and just as quickly as she had done it in the car, she whipped the sweat- soaked top over her head and onto the floor. The hot projector air now blew across her bare chest unrestricted. Brie turned, topless in the middle of her class, to face the hot fan full on. She bared her flat chest to all her classmates with no regard for her own humility.



The class tittered and laughed with shock and excitement. Some of the boys whooped loudly. Mr. Ivarson clapped his hands angrily, trying to get the scene under his control.



Pants, to Brie, suddenly seemed like an unreasonable obstacle. She leaned back and undid the top, splaying it open, exposing her soaked lace panties to every boy or girl with a line of sight. She Jammed a hand down into her underwear and felt the slickness she was generating directly from her pussy. Her lubrication made sticky sounds as her fingers sluiced through her folds.



She was doing it right there, for anyone to see. And who was looking, she wondered? The blackness in her vision subsided and she managed enough clarity to glance around and see that, in fact, everybody in the class was looking at her. As she continued to absent-mindedly scour a particularly sensitive spot just inside the glossy lips of her pussy, she caught their wide-eyed stares one-by- one.

She was horrified, humiliated, as she drank in every reaction, yet she was still compelled by a force she didn’t understand to keep on masturbating. Despite her embarrassment, her pleasure-drunk mind only sought ecstasy, no matter the cost.



Finally she locked eyes with Mr. Ivarson in front of her. He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her, trying to snap her out of her delirium. “Brie, Brie, pull yourself together!” She looked him deep in the eyes and managed a weak smirk. Using the last of her strength, she willed her body up toward his, and craning her neck up, she moaned into his mouth, “I’m sorry. It’s coming from… my cunnyyy! With that, she moved her lips to his and kissed him. A long, blissful kiss. And that was when it all cane crashing down around her.



Her pussy spasmed from the inside and sent a shockwave through her small frame. She cried out, her legs gave way, and she went limp in her teacher’s hands, but her whole body shuddered violently. Electric shocks of pleasure shot from her vagina and out through every limb. In her mind, all concerns and judgement from the outside world disappeared; she only felt bliss. In her pants, she felt a flood of warm liquid spray out of her, into her panties, onto her masturbating hand, and down her legs. Her moans projected her ecstasy into the classroom. Her mouth moved, but the noises coming out of her were not words. She was rocked by wave after wave of warm, rapturous bliss.



At last she began to feel what could only be described as relief. The sensations began to dull, but then so did her senses. Brie’s world went dark, and she collapsed, half-dressed, in a heap, in the wet streak she had created on the floor of her classroom.




What happened to Brie? Why couldn’t she control herself? And what will her parents think when they find out? Answers to come in the next chapter.



I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. I have a plot framed out, but there is room to explore, so let me know what you would like to see happen in this series.


To Be Continued.

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