+18 Comic Stories
Yukari and Mitsuru (Persona 3) [Fake Face]

Yukari and Mitsuru (Persona 3) [Fake Face]
Parody: Persona 3 character: Mitsuru kirijoyu, kari takeba.
Since its release in 2006, Persona 3 has captured the hearts of many gamers and has become a fan favorite for its unique story and fascinating characters. Developed by Atlus, this RPG stands out from other games in the series due to its mature portrayal of characters’ lives. Unlike previous titles, Persona 3 explores its characters’ sex lives, providing a new level of depth and realism that has gained recognition among adult gamers. In this article, we’re going to delve into the controversial topic of sex in Persona 3 and how it impacted the game’s popularity and success.