African Sex Stories | Mature +18 Stories in April 2025

Going Nova – S01 E08

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 8

Going Nova – S01 E08


Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 8



Warrick’s throat dry.



The girl wrinkled her nose. “It’s kind of salty.”



The doctor chuckled. “That’s why I tried to squirt it as far back in your throat as possible, so you wouldn’t have to taste it too much.” He turned to her parents. “There, this medicine, twice a day, should help take care of it, and regular stimulation should help curb her urges, too.”



“is that all?” Warrick asked.



“Oh, and I almost forgot! As ordinary sensations are likely to compound the problem, just be aware that some kinds of clothing can be a real problem. Coarse fabrics like denim and wool can be an irritant. And in fact, underwear can be an issue. Anything around the erogenous zones should be kept to a minimum.”



“Hmm,” Hazel said, looking at the table where Brie’s clothes lay folded. “I suppose no more lace panties for you.” She picked them up off the pile and confiscated them to her purse. “And I guess we’ll hold off on bra shopping tonight, too.”

The reality was setting in for Brie. No panties, medicine every day. and hourly stimulation? In some ways it sounded like a huge inconvenience. But deep inside her, she began to feel a familiar knot building.



Warrick, too, was wondering what the hell had happened to his life. In light of what he had experienced this morning, he felt his relationship with Brie was changed for good. And now he had to put up with her wearing no pants or underwear, and regularly stimulating herself somehow. He wondered how that would change the dynamic of the house. He wondered what Hazel would make of it.



After the doctor left the room, Brie got up and went for her clothes. Warrick stared uncontrollably at his naked daughter. This had never really been significant for him before, but his perspective had changed since witnessing his daughter’s sudden sexual awakening, and he no longer knew what to think. She was once his little girl, but suddenly she was this being who could experience more sexual ecstasy than he could even imagine.



Brie reached for her jeans, but her mother cut her off. “Uh uh,


remember what the doctor said? No denim. Besides, your jeans are still damp.”

“But mom, what will I wear?”

Hazel looked around. She opened a cupboard labeled “gowns” and pulled one out. “Here, put this on.” Brie attempted to wear the hospital gown, but she put it on like a bathrobe and was having issues making it work.



Elsie chuckled, “You’re putting it on backwards, stupid. You gotta do it so the opening is in the back.”


“Oh,” she replied and flipped it around. Hazel helped tie it up, but Brie felt a sneaking feeling like it could come open at any moment.


“Here,” said her mom, “Your shirt is pretty dry now. You can wear it over the top.” That did make Brie feel a little bit more put together, though she was aware of a draft on her butt. “Alright, the nurses sald we’re free to go now, so let’s get moving.”


They headed out the door and toward the doctor’s lobby. Elsie followed behind and snickered, “I can see your bottom, Briel Brie snapped her hand behind her and attempted to close the two halves of the gown. Even when it was all tied up in the back, it was far from an ideal garment. They piled into the car and Elsie took off on her bike. Warrick then started the drive home.



Brie was thankful that the drive felt so much more normal than the last time she was in the car. She didn’t feel the intensity of the vibrations and the way the seatbelt came around her chest didn’t bother her. She leaned back into the seat and exhaled. Her mind drifted off to her classmates. She wondered what they were saying about her. Had she really played with herself in class? Had she really kissed Mr. Ivarson? She had never even kissed a boy her age before. She was so unsure what had really happened. All Elsie heard were rumors.




She pushed the growing knot in her tummy out of her mind and wondered what it would be like to really kiss a boy. To make out with one, like she had seen in so many movies. Brie was broken out of her daydream as her mom turned around in the passenger seat. She smiled gently, but Brie felt like her eyes were boring into her.




“Honey? Are you feeling okay?”

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