The door was opened and the curtain was lifted immediately, uncle Austin rushed up immediately.
“I’m looking for Ife ” her little voice said, I maintained my position cause I was exhausted already.
“when did all this rubbish started, will you leave this place? ” he shouted at her.
It was my friend Nike, I told her to come over so that we can do our assignment but uncle Austin just sent her away, I didn’t complain cause I was seriously weak.
“please Ife I don’t want anybody to berge into my house asking of you, when you’re with your friends let them know that I don’t welcome nonsense ” he warned, I gave him a fierce look and he apologized immediately.
He walked to the door and closed it, he retired to the bed and heaved a sigh “thank you for helping me” he said, I don’t think he should thank me for a thing of pleasure.
He asked me to get dressed we are going out, without thinking twice I went to the bathroom and cleaned up, I dressed for the outting.
He took me to a boutique and asked me to choose the clothes of my choice, I was so happy. I selected as many as I can, my big body makes me thinks I’m already mature.
Among my mates I look older, it makes me to avoid my mates. I hook up with older people cause of my fast growing body.
On our way home we visited an eatry where he asked me to order for anything I like, I ordered for Chinese rice there but when we were leaving I asked for sharwama as takeaway. That was when I became carried away.
The next day when I went to lesson Nike asked if I’ll be free that she wants to discuss something important to me.
I followed her to the school garden, Nike is same age as me but she looks petite but wiser than her age.
“are you a virgin? ” she asked, her question took me unawares and I wondered how she knew about virginity.
“why did you asked? ” I questioned back
she arch her brow, well I saw everything that was going on that was why I opened the door without knocking. ” she said
I had to open up to her although that was my first time, she suggested that I explained things to her mum that her mum is nice and might speak to her mum.
I foolishly agreed and followed her to her house one day to tell her mum but her mum failed me, she warned Nike to stay away from me the bad egg that I’m a bad girl.
That was how my friendship with Nike cut off but after then I kept things to myself.
(flash back ends)
Mr Dickson shakes his head “that is really terrible I must say, now I understand how it went. How about your mum and her work? ” he asked
“well, mum thought she’d given me the best then she brag about me” I said
“can you narrate little about that? ” he asked, I shook my head
When I was at junior secondary school two (jss2) a friend of mine got pregnant, her mother was a friend to my mother.
My mum was the first her mum told about the pregnancy “Grace is pregnant and she doesn’t even want to tell me who is responsible ” mummy grace told my mum one Sunday when my mum was free cause the people she works for don’t go to work Sundays so she’s always free Sundays.
“this is terrible, how comes did she get pregnant, why were you so careless about your daughter and the worst of it all she is your first child” mum quarried her friend as if she’s innocent.
I watched them quietly, I wish I could just interrupt their discussion and tell the both of them that they are not responsible and they don’t deserve to be called mother but I couldn’t cause mum will roast me alive.
“and now she’s refused to tell us the name of the boy” mummy grace said
“torture and torment her, she must say it ” mum answered
She’s just too “over sabi” in everything.
“I can’t o, maybe you should come and help me ” mummy grace pleaded
“that’s why I don’t want Ife to associate with people, ever since I’ve been working I always leaves her with the guy next door ” she boasted proudly.
“is not like that, I have three children how will I leave them in the care of a neighbor when the eldest is mature? ” mummy grace quarried
“don’t worry we will see to it, she must confess who impregnated her, let’s go to your house” mum assured mummy Grace, they left immediately.
I followed them without their note with the intention of exposing my mum.