My Celebrity Crush Episode 17
Read My Celebrity Crush Episode 17

continue from the movie scene
Prince bob and Ruth have grew more closer, closer to a point that people were beginning to notice them, the Queen has been hearing the maids gossip about it but she hasn’t said anything yet, still waiting for the right time to strike.
Prince bob is in love with Ruth, but scared to admit it, from the look of things Ruth is just a little girl, what if she doesn’t feel the same way he feels? His not ready to ruin the sweet friendship going on between them. He tried so hard in hiding his feelings, but anytime he sees Ruth playing with any of the guards he gets jealous and refuse to be served by Ruth.
And tonight is one of those nights he has refuse to be served dinner in his Chambers by Ruth, earlier he saw her talking and laughing with one of the palace guards, the way they laughed and hit each other playfully made him jealous. When the guard came inside and demanded to see amara, Ruth told him amara isn’t too well so they asked her to retire for the night, whatever he need he should just say.
The prince demand his dinner be brought by either amara or chichi. ( he exit immediately he deliver his message)
Ruth wanted chichi to go serve the prince since that’s what he wants, but her inner guts told her to disobey him by taking the food to him herself, whatever is wrong they should talk it out like too friends and adult.
She dish the food, took two spoons and went to the prince Chambers, she knocked thrice before he asked her to come inside.
She entered the room and he wasn’t there, she wonder where he was before he asked her to come inside. She placed his dinner on the small table closer to his bed before she sat down and waited for him, not long he came out from the bathroom bare chested, she turn to look at him but immediately turn her face to the other side when she saw his bare chest.
I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were in the bathroom.
I thought is one of the maids, and they will just drop the food and go if they didn’t see me…..why did you disobey me?
Ruth turn to face him, not minding his bare chest even thou it makes her feel uncomfortable, she got up from her sit and went to stand in front of him.
What did I do to offend my Prince? You always like it when I serve you dinner what happened? (She moved more closer, staring at his eyes)
Nothing, I just don’t want you to serve me( he lied)
I hate to say this my Prince but that’s a lie, there’s a reason and you have to tell me now.
I said there’s nothing wrong ( he half yell)
It frightened Ruth, her eyes started to get wet, she moved back a little and bend her knee, turn her back to leave, but before she turn the tears has already fallen. She walked to the door and held the handle.
Wait Ruth ( she stopped)
He walked up to her and turn her to face him.
I’m sorry I yelled at you, I swear I didn’t mean to please can you forgive me?
Just tell me what I have done wrong my prince ( she cried)
(He turned his back against her) you haven’t done anything wrong Ruth, I’m just ( he pause for a while before he spoke again) I’m just jealous, anytime I see you with those guards playing it breaks my heart, it drives me mad.
( she went and stand in front of him) jealous? But why my Prince? All those guards you see me with, I have no feelings for any of them I’m just being friendly with them that’s all.
The play is too much, like today I saw you both playing and hitting each other.
That was just a harmless play my prince. Beside don’t you want me to get married some day? I need to get closer to them because you never can tell where my husband might come out from. Why are you even jealous?
The Prince moved closer to her and held her waist firmly, she was surprise for months that they have been friends he has never held even her hand, she stare at his brown dark eyes.
Prince has different feels should he tell her how he feels or not ” d–n I will take that risk, can’t afford to lose her to one of those guards” he lowered his lips and kissed her, Ruth was shock her eyes were wild open due to the shock, she pull away from him so quickly.
What are you doing my prince?
I’m jealous because I’m in love with you Ruth, you drive me crazy and make my heart beat ten times than usual….. I really really do love you.
But what about Clara? What will the queen say?
I have nothing to do with Clara I don’t even love her its you I love and forget about the Queen I will handle her.
I’m just scar…..( he cut her short by placing his hand on her lips)
Don’t be scared, I will protect you.
He pulled her closer to himself, and stare at her beautiful eyes, ” oh how I so much love you ” he said to himself before he placed his lips on hers. Ruth relaxed her body, even thou she dare not dream to have prince but in her heart she knows she loves him, she allowed herself to relax and seconds later she started to respond to his kiss. Then boom the queen opened the door on them.
And cut