Tony ran around the sitting, to the kitchen then outside. Kim didn’t stop shouting,running after him as well.
“I will kill you!”. She kept on shouting.
Tony giggles as he ran to the pool side. He stopped when he got to the edge of the pool.
Kim who’s carried away didn’t bothered to watch her steps……she slipped and fell into the pool.
Tony bursted into all controllable laughter, he laughed to the extend that he started rolling on the wet floor without knowing Kim is drowning.
You know, when you throw a stone inside the water,it will sink immediately, yes! That is how Kim sank.
Tony began to cough and little tear dropped from the corner of his eyes due to the laugh.
He stopped when he noticed the silent around him, he knelt down in front of the pool and saw that Kimberly is drowning.
“Omg…..”. He exclaimed and entered the pool, though he is also an amateur in swimming but he just have to save her.
He brought out her lifeless body and placed it on the wet tiled floor, Tony himself is wet.
He inhaled before hitting her chest.
“Toad…..”. He called still hitting her chest.
As he is hitting her chest,it made him remember that faithful day the love of his life committed suicide in the beach.
“Toad!!!…..wake up!”. He shouted amidst of cry. The tears in his eyes couldn’t make him see properly, his sight became burly.
He slowly brought his head closer to hers and placed his lips on hers.
He used his right hand to pout her lips before blowing air through it.
He did it for almost five times before she breath out loud.
She pushed him off her, and also spat out water and coughed.
When tony saw her opening her eyes,he pulled her into tight hug.
“Toad”. He muttered.
next day
The both of them are already dressed for school, they seated on the dining glancing at each other.
“Am gonna kill him….he took my first kiss”. Kim thought feeling disappointed.
Tony kept on giving her a silly look.
Kimberly kept on hissing loud……cursing him under her breath.
Seeing him now is suffocating her.
Rose smiled at their childish behavior.
“Seems you guys know each other before”. Rose voiced out.
“We’re classmate”.
They said.
“And enemies”. Kim added in her mind.
“That’s nice,and it will be nicer if you both start going to school together”. She said.
Kim hit her hands on the table as she stood up.
“Aiish…..this crazy girl”. Tony thought.
Rose gave her a questioning look.
“I said I agreed”. She lied.
Rose chuckled while Tony smirked.
“That’s nice……the driver will dropped you off”……
Kim frowned her face throughout the drive, immediately they drove out from the estate.
She asked the driver to stop. Tony gave a questioning look.
The driver stopped the car and she got down , she began the trek.
“Aiish…..are you crazy? What are you doing now?”. Tony asked but she kept walking fast.
“Ahh! Drive after her”. He commanded.
When Kimberly saw them driving after her, she picked a race.
Where she passed, the car couldn’t pass it.
“Jesus….what kind of crazy girl is this”. Tony yelled out of frustration.
He got down and started running after her.