Stars Of Hotchkiss High School EPISODE 9
Read Stars Of Hotchkiss High School EPISODE 9

Kim was attended to, her wound were treated.
Nimah still can’t believe what happened.
Jamal rested his head on the wall thinking about Kim.
Mabel went to search for tony and she couldn’t find him.
Minutes later*
The three are in the doctor office.
“We thank God for her life, she is now stable, the head had been stitched because it’s really deep. So she have to come her twice in a week to treat it till it heals”. Mrs Susan the doctor explained.
“And please take note of another thing, Miss Kimberly has to eat, what I mean by that is that she has to eat balance diet because her nutrition is very poor, and it is already affecting. Two, stress…..she need to reduce the way she stress herself both physically and psychologically…. Please”. She concluded.
“Thanks ma, can we check on her”. Nimah asked.
“If you wish to, no problem”. She replied.
Mabel was the first person to enter the ward.
There is bandage all over Kim head,she is still asleep.
Tear dropped from Mabel eyes when she saw her, she is not crying because of her condition,but she is crying because she pity her. She is really passing through a lot.
Mabel finally left the the place.
Nimah peeped and exclaimed before running after Mabel.
Now it remains Jamal.
He sat on her bed caressing her earlobes.
“I thought I will never see you again”. He said almost in whisper.
“Just take a look at yourself, you look lean than before, you are facing a lot but you are still strong headed or should I call it strong minded? I promise to take Care of you from now on”. He said breaking down his hidden tears.
Kim woke up with a headache.
She remembered everything that happened immediately she opened her eyes.
She try to stand up but something is holding her down.
“Jamal”. She called when she saw his head on her lap……he’s fast asleep.
“Sleepy head, wake up”. She joked and pinched his cheek
“Ouch…..Kimberly!”. He gushed and stood up.
“You are finally awake”.
“I wasn’t dead before, so why the behavior? Well please can you give me a ride to my work place?”. She said trying to get up but he pushed her back making her sit.
“Are you a machine? You don’t care about your health but other people work……Kimberly”. He said starring at her brown eyes.
“Nagging huh? So cute, but am not ready for that. Will you drive me or not”. She asked.
Jamal gave her a final glance before replying.
“No”. He blurted, in his heart he wanted to please her.
“OK then, as you can see there is not tutorial today. Bye”… She said and began to walked out.
Though her head is hurting her, it just as if they are pounding yam on it but Kim is strong headed hard working girl.
Jamal ran to her and hugged her from the back.
Kim heart almost flew out.
“Why are you hurting yourself, do you want to kill yourself? If you do, I don’t want it. Kim you are all I have now, you are my mentor, my teacher, my one and only friend, please stop being a workaholic”. He sobbed on her shoulder.
Nimah drove home as usual but today own was different. She decided to branch at a supermarket… really late at night.
When she got down from her car which was parked a little bit far from the supermarket.
She began to walk and heard some footsteps following her. She increased her pace but it useless. The figure following catch up with her and held her shoulder.
“Jesus……”. She screamed.
“Holy Mary, why the scream”. The man asked.
She turned her head still shaking.
“Tony….”. She shouted.
“Shush, just answer my question”. He commanded and she nodded continuously.
“What did doctor Susan told you earlier”. He asked and she explained.
“Oh…so..bad….I didn’t mean to hurt her…..what can I do?”. He asked with his hands on his head.
Nimah looked at him.
“Idiot, as old as he is he doesn’t know what to do, if I were Kim, I will just kill him”. She thought but she was smiling at him.
She broke the silent.
“What if you just pay for her lunch bills and we should keep it as our little secret, because if Kim know she will reject it”. Nimah said and he smiled big.
“You are more stupid than I thought, I never knew you are so brainless, not only lunch in fact add breakfast and dinner to It”. He spat and left her standing.
“Like seriously, you are a mad dog without chain, you should have waited so I will show you the stuff am made of, bastardized human”. She cursed after he had gone far.
“I know am dead, I should just paste my obituary”. She said pretending to cry.