
Am I overreacting for telling my sister my feelings ***

Am I overreacting for telling my sister my feelings about her have not changed after she confronted me for telling her fiance the truth?

7 years ago my sister had an affair with my (ex)husband.
We were still happily married at the time, and she was his mistress. I caught them together and ban!shed both of them from my life.
I divorced him. I told her to get away from me
and the two of them stayed together for a couple
of years and had a child. My sister tried to
reconcile with me 5 different times. I rejected
her and told her I would never forgive her for
what she did and I did call her some names and
wish for some bad things to happen to her ie |
wished for him to cheat on her and to destroy
her life like they did mine and I told her she’d
deserve it all and not to cry to me if she caught
anything off of him.
I have been 100% no contact with my sister
since and I never met her child. Not even when
ex cheated while she was pregnant and she
ended up homeless. I told our family members I
Would not accept being around her.
A couple of weeks ago this guy reached out to
me. He’s engaged to my sister and was mad |
wasn’t there to meet him at the dinner my
parents hosted to meet him for the first time. He
said my sister was so upset, etc.
That she had wanted me to forgive her, etc. That
he felt I was shitty to be mad at her dating an ex
of mine. I corrected him and said she was his
mistress, that I was married to him, still actively
married when they had an affair and I told him I
caught them in my home and my bed. He didn’t
Several days afterward my sister showed up and
was pissed off at me for telling him what I did
because he left her. She told me I should be
willing to put the past behind us and reconcile
and to stop treating her like she’s a cr!minal or
She said I act like she repulses me. I told her
because she does. And I told her my feelings had
not changed at all in 7 years. She cried and told
me one of us could d! e and we’d never reconcile
if I’m not willing to try and I said I would not care.
I told her she could d! e tomorrow and | Would
not regret my decision not to reconcile. I told her
I no longer cared what happened to her or if she
was okay or not. She left in tears.
My parents were so angry she confronted me.
They had already been disg//sted with her being
the other woman but to confront me for
correcting her lie, they said it showed she had
not grown at all. While my aunt told me | had no
need to be so cruel after time had passed.
She told me l’m treating my sister worse than
she treated me and that should be ash/med of
myself for saying I wouldn’t care if she d! ed
because it’s an evil thing to say to anyone let
alone family.
Disclaimer: All stories here are shared

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