My Celebrity Crush Episode 10
Read My Celebrity Crush Episode 10

The year came to an end but everything still look the same in my eyes, except for the fact mercy wanted me to return back to school, she register me in one evening class for the preparation of the jamb ahead. since that day I have neither seen nor heard from Frederick well I was kind of thankful, his presence makes it unbearable to forget about him all I did was watch most of his movie on YouTube..
It was time for mercy Johnson to travel out for another movie shoot but this time she’s going to America for it, I have no passport yet, and beside if I did have a passport I can’t just abandon my lesson and travel. She made everything available for me before she left, she would have traveled with the crews but because I wouldn’t let her go she stayed a day more before she finally left.
Home alone movie if you have watch that movie then you will understand what I was going through no friends, no company it was really hell and d–n I miss her so much. My routine was wake, eat, lesson and back home it was really crazy I wish I have friends around but hell no I was too scared to make friends because I felt everyone is like Amaka who makes friends with you because they want to use you.
There was no time mercy didn’t call me, once she’s less busy she would call to check up on me and it felt so great.
I had refuse to drive myself to the lesson center, I was having a serious headache I could have stayed at home but what’s the point when I don’t even have anyone to talk to, I just stopped a taxi and went for my classes after the lessons was over, everywhere was cloudy it looks like it was going to rain ( I wonder why its usual for rain to fall around this time of the year) I waited for a taxi for close to 35 minutes yet non came so I decided to walk a little maybe I will get a taxi in front. I walked and walked till it finally start raining, ” oh good finally I will go home wet” I said to myself.
A car that had already passed me reversed back and stop, I didn’t know who it was because the car was dark from the inside but I was very soon the person could see me clearly. I didn’t stop walking I continued if the goat thinks its fun to walk in the rain more less stand in it he should come down let’s talk in the rain, like he read my thoughts he came down from his car with an umbrella, he ran to catch up with me.
Hey Les…( I haven’t turn to look at his face but his voice sold him out, slowly I turn to look at him shock and surprise) where are you going to in this heavy rain?
House of course and you where are you going to?
I’m just closing from work,heading home
Good for you, can I go now?
Are you still mad at me for what happened at my place the last time?
( I stare at him angrily) give me a reason why I shouldn’t?
Look let’s leave this rain, I can do all the apologies later please
I’m almost home, so thank you, you can run along sir.
Why are you so stubborn Les? Common get into the car please.
I’m all soaked if I get into that car, I will just mess up your sit.
I’m not complaining so get in, you gonna catch a fever Les
Yeah he was right if I don’t enter that car I’m going to catch a fever and I’m not even sure if I will see a taxi.
Okay let’s go.
He smiled and went to open the door for me and I entered, he he went to the driver side and entered too.
Look I’m sorry I didn’t call you all those times or come looking for you I was out on business just return back two nights ago and beside I don’t have your number.
okay ( was all I could say)
We got to my gate and he horn for the gate man to open up, he came out to be sure who was driving in, his boss is away and I myself didn’t go out with a car. When he was sure who it was he returned back and opened the gate.
Frederick parked in the empty space in front of our compound.
And here we are, so you giving me your number?
No I’m not, come inside for a tea… Well that’s if you care for( I opened the door and came out “sure I care” he said before I shut the door)
Immediately I entered the living room I turn off the cold AC and on the heater so the room could be warm.
Have a sit, will be right back.
Ran upstairs and took off all the wet clothes on my body, took a warm shower, dried my hair and let it fall on my body just like how the whites does it. I didn’t need to do make-up its not like I’m going out or trying to impress anyone, just wore a big sweater and a jean trouser, spray my body before I went downstairs to meet him.