My Celebrity Crush Episode 14
Read My Celebrity Crush Episode 14

I saw him entering one of the rooms, I ran after him and pull him forcefully to face me, he turn and looked at me with cold eyes.
Why didn’t you tell me you were the supposed Prince?
How I’m I suppose to know I was acting with you? Did you ever told me you wanted to be an actress, did you even called me to tell me about your plans? ( he pause and folded his both hands across his chest) I called you last month day and night to check up on you and you never told me a thing( I was beginning to feel guilty) I went through the script my manager gave me I accepted to play this role because I wanted to help the upcoming stars, I didn’t care to ask of the other cast I would be working with because I thought you all stranger and you dare wanna put the blame on me?
I wanted to say something but d–n words failed me, he called me severely and I didn’t for once tell him I was going into acting, its not in my nature to drop the blame on people but that’s what I have just done.
He waited for me to say something, but I just stood looking at him like a dummy.
You can’t talk? Alright
I watched him walk away, I return back to meet mercy Johnson outside.
Why didn’t you tell me Frederick Leonard is the prince I’m suppose to love in the movie sis?
I wanted to but thought I should make it a surprise since you guys are getting alone so well these days.
Well I just ruined that by accusing him for what he didn’t even do ( my tears drop)
Common Les, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, its all my fault not his neither are they yours.( she wiped my tears) this movie is just starting you guys will have enough time to settle I promise, now let’s get you home.
I got home and I couldn’t sleep, my appetite was lost, the cast ate the food we use for prince bob’s return but I didn’t eat, mercy did everything to make me eat or even smile but non worked, she gave up and went to bed.
The next day I picked up my phone to check if he had called or texted me but he didn’t, my heart felt a little hurt. I got up and quickly took my shower, got dressed and ran downstairs.
Good morning sis
Morning Les, how was your night?
Bad, but I’m better now thanks….how was yours?
Same here… should park more clothes you ain’t coming back home til the movie shoot is over because starting from today you will be working over night too.
Wow, I was thinking we will be coming home
You coming home because the location of the movie isn’t out side your town baby, the director said it has to stop.
Alright, I will just pack a few things.
I ran upstairs and arranged my stuff in a big bag before I return downstairs to meet mercy.
I was practicing my lines till we got to the location, I looked around for Frederick but couldn’t find him, I meet the cast that’s playing the role of maid chichi, I asked her if she has seen Frederick and she told me the last time she saw him was last night with me.
Wow she did see us last night, what if we were doing something bad that’s how she could have caught us?
I gave up looking for him, I went to the rooms meant for the female cast to change into the maid’s wear. Immediately I finished dressing and stepped out I saw him coming out from the other room, I want to say Hi to him but he just walked away like he didn’t see me.
It shouldn’t have hurt me right but d–n I was hurt my heart aches and I wish there was something I could do about it.
The cast playing amara came to call me that the shot was starting, I wiped the tears that had already dropped off my face before I ran out.
Lesley where the hell have you been, you haven’t even done your make-up….. I don’t have all day young lady.
Lesley are you okay? You look like you have been crying.
I’m fine and please let’s talk later need to have my make-up done quickly.
I sat and the make-up artist came to fix my face back to normal.
Camera rolling, ready and action
Prince Bob is sitting in the living room with the palace chiefs.
My Prince once again we welcome you back to your father’s land…. We are happy to have you back.
“Welcome back our prince” ( the rest of the chiefs chorus)
Thank you my elders
The reason we have come is to inform you that as the heir to the throne, we can only crown you king when you present us with a wife, and to be honest my prince this sit has been vacant for a very long time….its time you take up from where your late father stop. ( he turn to face the other chiefs) my elders have I spoken your minds?
“You have spoken well my brother” ( they chorus)
I’m aware of all this my elders, and I want to assure you that in due time I will present my bride to you.
You have spoken like a true son of your father.
Thank you my elders (he whisper something into the ears of the guard next to him) my elders refreshment will come in shortly.
Not long Ruth and amara came into the throne room holding foods and drinks.
Continue from the movie scene.
Immediately the elders left the queen came over and asked her son everything he had discuss with the elders, he told his mother everything not hiding anything
The elders are right my son, you need to get a bride and take what’s yours ( the throne)
I know that mum, I just haven’t found the right girl.
Search no more son, I have a better, beautiful and classy wife for you( she clapped her hands excitedly) she’s the senator’s daughter.
The senator’s what? Mum I’m not interested I’m old enough to chose a wife for myself please.
Clara is a very lovely girl son, you will like her.
Mum I appreciate your effort but my answer won’t change, when it comes to the matters of the heart we don’t think of ” class or status” we look at the heart and what it feels,….I’m not marrying your choice of a woman. ( he got up to leave) if you will excuse me mother.
At lest go on a date with her, if you don’t like her then you can quit.
He stopped to look at his mother’s face.
Alright mum.
Thanks son, I will arrange a meeting with her.
alright mum( he exit)
On his way going upstairs, He met Ruth coming downstairs she moved from the way so he could pass, bend her head and said.
Greetings my prince
Greetings Ruth, how are you
(Her head still down) I’m fine my prince, and how’s my prince doing?
I’m very well Ruth ( he smiled) please get me a glass of chilled juice.
Yes my prince. .
She waited for him to go before she went downstairs to inform the queen lunch was already.
Greetings my lady.
What is it?
Lunch is ready my lady.
My son just left for his Chambers, I don’t think he would be coming out anytime soon so take his food upstairs and have amara bring mine to my room.
Yes you highness. May I take my leave now?
You may go. ( she started to walk away) and don’t leave till he finishes his meal….prepare something delicious we having an important guest tonight.
Yes my queen.
She went into the kitchen to meet the other maids.
Thank God you didn’t return with a slap this time around.
My sister I’m surprise myself, so what did she say?
I should serve her son in his room and stand there till he finish eating. Amara should serve her her meal in her room and we should prepare something delicious for her special guest tonight
Then what did you tell her?
What do you mean by ” what did you tell her” what would she have said apart from ” yes my queen”?
Don’t mind her, leave her to be asking me blind questions…. Please let me go and serve the prince his food and juice before I receive another slap today again.
I don’t want to receive slap either ( they all laughed)
Ruth dish the Prince’s food, and added the juice before she took it to his room, she knocked twice before the prince ask her to come inside.
She dropped the tray in her hand on the table, opened the juice and poured some in the glass cup.
I only asked for juice Ruth
My queen asked me to serve you lunch.
Oh! I see…. Alright thanks.
Ruth dish the food into a plate for the prince and moved to stand close to the door.
He stare at her and smiled.
You free to go Ruth.
But she didn’t move, she know its not right to disobey the prince but the Prince look more understanding than his mum.. .he would understand.
She asked you to wait till I finish eating, didn’t she?
Ruth just nodded her head.
( He sign) that woman she’s still the same after all this years? Well you have to do as she has said to avoid her wrath, my mother can be so annoying sometimes.
Ruth was happy the Prince also knows his mother is annoying.
Sit down, you can’t just stand there like that when you ain’t even a cop.
Thanks my Prince but I dare not sit with royals, I’m not worthy.
Royals, blue blood, non royals we are all one, my dad wasn’t born a king, he inherited it, and same goes to me….everyone is equal in the eyes of God so sit.
Ruth hesitated before she sat down on the sofa in his room, her heart is on fire she’s praying the Queen dosn’t come inside and meet her sitting in her son’s room because if she does? It would be her last day on earth.
You look nervous Ruth, relax my mum won’t enter my room without knocking.
She felt a bit at ease she sat quietly and waited for the prince to start eating.
He closed his laptop and went to the table where his food is, took a sip from his juice before he asked.
Have you eaten?
Not yet my Prince…. I will eat later my Prince.
Good, join me than
( Looking so shock) what?
I said join me
My prince, ( she quickly went on her knees, tears threatening to fall from her eyes) my Prince eating with you is like telling the gods I’m tired of living and giving them the permission of taking my life ( the tears finally dropped) please my prince I’m not worthy to eat with you.
Prince bob got up and helped her to her feet.
Are you scared of my mother or you think you ain’t worthy of sharing my food?
She bend her head in tears not knowing what to say. Prince bob used his hand to wipe away her tears.
My mother would not know you shared a meal with me, I’m not going to tell her neither will you so you have nothing to fear ( he lift Her face up) its an order join me let’s eat.
He went back to his sit, she walked slowly like a snail till she got to the table and shakily picked up a spoon and started eating.