Read Mature +18 Stories in March 2025

My Celebrity Crush Episode 26

Read My Celebrity Crush Episode 26

continue from the movie scene

Queen Ruth has given birth to a very cute baby, even in his childhood just one at him you will know his the true son of his father. Prince bob was not just the happiest man on earth, he was the luckiest man earth.

The Queen has try to kill the poor child right from his mother’s womb but never succeeded, all the places she went they were scared to harm the child(his my master) they all told her individually. Now that the child is born she fear of what he might become so she plane to poison the little child.

Ruth was nursing her child when the queen walked into her chambers, immediately Ruth saw her she stood on her feet and placing the little child in her hand on the bed.. She bow her head a little in respect.

I hated you so much before Ruth, I hated you to a fault but seeing how you make my son always happy and you even gave us a son made the whole hatred to vanish

( She quickly lift up her head to stare at the Queen) my Queen I’m very sorry for everything.

That’s okay, if I was still angry I won’t be here to help you nurse Chike….

Ruth an innocent and unwise child didn’t think twice before accepting the Queen and her evil help to nurse her baby.

( she smiled happily) really mum? I will be very happy, this boy is just something else.

( She moved to the bed and carried the child) his just like bob when he was a kid, nursing him was very tiring and demanding.

Awww now I know where Chike took his from.

They both laughed like two best friends, after a little while the Prince sent for his to meet him in the palace room, since Queen was with the baby Ruth decided to go see her husband downstairs.

Mother, I will be back shortly let me attend to my first baby.( she joked)

Please go before he would arrest me ( she joked back)
Immediately Ruth left the room, she place the child back on the bed and removed something from her b—-t and added into the boy’s food. She sat back and carried the food to feed him but changed her mind… The remaining content she decided to pour it in the boy’s mouth ( hmmm if God wants to humiliate you, he takes your mind from the obvious) the queen was so desperate to hurt the child that she forgot harm might come to her. She press his little mouth so she can plush it down his throat. Immediately thunder struck her down making her to lose her sight, she let the poison dropped on the floor. She started screaming for help the guards heard her scream and quickly rushed in to see what was wrong.

My eyes, I can’t see.. My eyes
The guards helped her into the palace room. Where Ruth and some elders where sitter discussing. According to their tradition after 8 days they would name the child and offer his loyalty to the gods.. Not long the guards walked downstairs with the queen screaming my eyes my eyes.

They place her on the chair, the other guard return with the little baby ( whom his father already named Chike)and the charm the queen had tried to kill him with.

What is wrong with your eyes mother?

That child of yours is evil, he did this to me.
Ruth quickly ran to collect her baby, how can her own son be evil?

My queen how can a little child harm you?

I was nursing him when suddenly I went blind.( she lied)

What? You mean you have gone blind?
Her lies made the gods so angry and they struck her hard, she fell on the floor holding her chest and begging not to be killed. The guard drop the charm he saw with her closer to her body.

I was the one that killed the king my husband.. His goodness was too much.. But that wasn’t the only reason why I killed him..I over heard the elders in one of their meeting asking my husband to marry another wife who will born him more children since I could not give birth again.. At first he refuse but later on he accepted to marry another wife..I felt betrayed so I killed him
Everyone gave their own different expression, the prince stopped himself from crying.

I wanted to kill this child right from when he was still in the womb but failed… I decided to do it myself that’s why I end up like this.

You deserve nothing more than death.

Why did you hate me so much, was it my agreement with the gods to be poor? How is it my fault that I was born poor?

Shut up, you are the reason for all this….your stupid face reminded me of when I was younger and hungry.

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