Anika and zara went to the nearest coffee shop.
They sat for minutes without saying anything just sipping their coffee until anika decided to break the silent.
“I know you were shocked that I know your name”. Anika smiled and zara smiled back.
“Yes, am I even still in shock”. Zara replied.
“Am sorry about that….. do you have any children?”. Anika said and laughed.
“You have children right”. She said.
Zara tried not to cry, she felt that anika was mocking her.
“I once have children but it turned to child when I lost my Christabel”. She said close to tears.
“Oh, her name is Christabel”. Anika wondered.
The atmosphere became awkward when zara began to cry.
“You still have children”. Anika said unknowingly.
“What do you mean?”. She asked.
“Your Christabel is alive”. Anika said.
“No she isn’t, though we didn’t find her corpse but I believe she is dead”. Zara insisted.
“I said she is not, stop saying she is dead. You lost your daughter doesn’t mean she is dead!”. Anika yelled at her attracting the passersby.
She pulled zara up and took her to a silent place.
“Don’t say a word till I finish explaining myself”. She warned.
The hall is filled with different students from different countries.
Kim and Tony sat side by side.
Tony is not paying attention to the speaker, he is busy glancing at the guys that are winking at Kimberly.
He tapped her shoulder telling her not to smile at anyone except me.
“Jealous baby”. She whined.
He made to touch her lap but was interrupted but the loud scream.
The minster of education came in with her bodyguards. The first person her eye land on was Kimberly. She smiled at her and Kimberly smiled back and bowed her head as a sigh of respect.
“Do you guys know each other before?”. A girl beside Kimberly asked.
“No…”. She replied simply.
“I warned you not to smile at anyone”. Tony whispered to her.
“Fuck you tony. She is a woman”. Kim replied.
After some minutes the competition started, it started with English.
Everyone did well but Tony did the best.
HOTCHKISS is leading with 50 mark.
Diva 42 mark.
Bsk college 38 mark.
“He is intelligent”. Kimberly whispered into Tony ear pointing at Kelvin, Mabel’s boyfriend.
“Princess stop teasing me, he looks like your friend bf”. Tony said.
“He doesn’t look like, he is”. She remarked.
“Next stage, mathematics”. The announcer shouted.
“We got this”. Tony and Kimberly said together hiding the urge for kissing.
Tony held her and and used his finger to write something on it.
“I feel like kissing the hell out of you know”. He wrote making her blush.
“Same here”. She said.
He wrote again.
“If we win or not, I will make sure I kiss the hell out of you on this stage”.
Kim almost choked.
After the paparazzi, they finished the mathematics remaining one bonus question.
“What is love?”. The announcer asked and everyone laughed.
None of the competitors answered it except Kimberly.
She took a step forward.
“Is she crazy now?”. Tony mind screamed.
“Love is when you have a feelings not just a feeling, a deep feelings, a very warm one, for yourself and others”. She said and the hall went silent.
No one clapped for her except the minster of education and tony.
Others too joined them.
The minster looked at her and gave her a thumbs up.
They announced the score and HOTCHKISS HIGH took the lead.
The gap was really far from other.
The bonus marked alone is more than the normal score.
Screams, shouted and clapped took over the place as Anthony Geoffrey and Kimberly Clifford was awarded.
Kimberly nearly cried but Tony consoled her.
They were showered with gift and praises.
“We did it”. Kimberly said.
“Yeah, we are the STARS of our school”. Tony said as he leaned closer to her.
Kimberly knows what he want to do, she also leaned forward and the clashed their lips on themselves.
*Awwwnnn, this is romantic
*I love this lover
*they look cute
*I wish I was them
Tony kissed Kimberly passionately, holding her waist down, their body was gumed together.
They kissed each other till they’re satisfied.
“I love you “. Tony said after breaking the kiss.
“I love you too”. Kimberly replied.
The whole of America and the world at large newspapers and magazines is filled with Kimberly and Tony news.
“The stars turned out to be lover”.
“The best student in 2021 AFR competition”.
Different types of headings.
Tony and Kimberly were severed specially in a special place.
“I can’t wait to leave high school”. Kimberly said.
“same here, which college are you going?”. Tony asked.
“Anywhere you go I will be your hand bag”. She replied and he laughed.
“What if I don’t go to college?”.
“I won’t go too baby”. She replied.
Tony looked at her almost crying.
“I have never been loved like this. Princess thanks for loving you”. He said sniffing.
Kim smiled.
“Cry baby, thanks for loving a hot temper girl like me, Swears I promise to be by your side”. She replied playing with his cheeks.
“I also promise to make you my hand bag anywhere I go”. He replied.
“Can you do me a favour?”. She asked suddenly.
“Anything for you”. He replied.
“Pinky promise”.
“Can you please make up with jamal”. She asked and Tony spranged up, he ran out and she followed him.
“Why did you ran off”. She asked. Now they are in their room.
“I did because of the question. I will forgive him once you judge this story”. He said and sat on his back.
“Jamal and I was best friend since birth because his mum was our cook. People thought she was my mother but I know she not my mother. The war started when I fell in love with Jamal sister Christabel, my first love. I love her so much with my life,she gave me attentions unlike my best friend, she was cute like you, amazing, jovial, she had all your personality except bad temper”.
“My parents were against it likewise her brother, only her mum supported us. Jamal was like his sister can’t date a casanova. Christabel and I didn’t listen to them, we both paid deaf ear to it”.
“On the 6 of June, that’s her birthday day. Me and jamal came back home from boarding school to celebrate her birthday. Jamal wrote letter to her intimidating me. He pretended to be me”.
“How was that possible? She is meant to know your differences”. Kimberly said.
“She couldn’t because our writing is the same without a slight different. He asked her to meet him at the beach. She went there before I could stop her”.
“And?”. Kimberly asked eagerly.
“All what I know was that he wrote a break up letter to her on behalf of me. Christabel read it and didn’t come back home. We searched everywhere for and that Bastard called jamal helped us. After a week, he confessed when we couldn’t see her”.
“Berly, have you ever been betrayed before. I was betrayed by my own best friend, my brother. Till date we didn’t find Christabel not even her bone was found and jamal said he doesn’t know anything about it”.
“So how do you expect me to believe him. He killed her and disposed her body into the river, jamal is heartless than you think he is. He made my life crumbled. Since then I started passing my aggression on everybody I see”. He said now crying.
“This is bad”. Kim thought.
She placed his head on her shoulder to cry on it.
“I promise to help you find her, I promise to find your Christabel”. Kimberly said at the same time jealous.
Tony faced Kimberly and held her arm.
“I never knew I will fall in love with you, or should I say I fell inlove with you at first sight”. He said.
“It all started with water, I splashed water on you but my ego won’t let me apologise. Then the day you slapped James because of madam gold. And it proceeded to the day you kicked me in my mouth because me and my gang bullied you. I love that nickname you gave me, Bloody lips(chuckled). Who bears that but I love it. The day I saw you at the mall though you didn’t see me”.
“Wait…you paid for the drugs?”. Kim cut in.
“Yes but I didn’t want to tell you because you will get mad. Do you know how happy I was when you started living with us”. He smiled.
“I was overwhelmed by joy, like I was happy and also angry because I will start staying with a witch”. He said and they laughed just he stopped.
“I don’t know how you might feel when I say this”. He said.
“Say it baby, I won’t get mad”. Kim assured.
Tony sighed and knelt before her.
“I wanted to use you as a weapon against jamal. I wanted to hurt you because of his mistake but I end up falling in love with you, am sorry”. He said facing down.
“It was you?”. She asked standing up.
“Lol…this is funny, you turned me to a toy”. She said.
“That was in the past”. Tony replied.
“Fuck you and your past! Do you know what I went through? Like I was broken, lost and unloved, I felt the same way you felt when you lost your Christabel!”. She spat.
“Berly”. He said trying to touch her but she slapped his face.
Tony lips had a little cut deal to the hard slap. He saw his blood and his eyes widened.
“I said am sorry”. He roared at her making her pause.
“Tony”. Kimberly called when she saw how fiercely he looked.
She touched him and he pushed her roughly as usual making her staggered, her back hit the reading table and the lamp fell down and broke.
Kim staggered towards it till she fell and knelt on it.
“Ouch”. She shouted bringing tony senses back.
“Berly”. He called and rushed to her.