Most men do not know how to fuck a virgin. What you should understand is that sex does not have to be painful for her and first-time sex doesn’t have to be uncomfortable if done correctly.
There is a lot of emphasis on how pain can be controlled by offering a comforting shoulder to cry on. Stress causes muscular contraction of the pelvic muscles, which would make penetration quite a challenge.
In a relationship, wanting to unleash one’s emotional self, free communication, and going slow with the relationship can assist in building emotional safety.
The study by Bangerscrib also indicates that arousal and lubrication are especially important. Sexual arousal is associated with its natural lubricating secretions that minimize friction.
It is crucial to be sure that both have prepared physically as well as psychologically, which can only be reached by proper stimulation. When natural lubes are inadequate, one can use a good water or silicone-based lubricant and have a whole new experience.
Of course, the position and speed also count as well. To the newbies, get your woman a comfortable place to lay that sweetness.
Slow, steady changes keep the pressure off the body, giving it time to adapt. Another advantage is knowledge of her anatomy. For the record, the hymen—a thin, flexible tissue that partially closes the vaginal opening—doesn’t necessarily ‘tear’ or ‘pop’ during the first intercourse.
In most circumstances, it strains or rips a little, and this may be accompanied by mild pain or even a little bleeding. Through breathing exercise the pelvic muscles can also be relaxed to ease the process.
And last but not least there should be a focus on health and readiness. In case of pain even when being cautious, one should visit a doctor to exclude diseases such as vaginismus – the involuntary contraction of vagina muscles.
If consent, communication, and comfort are emphasized, fucking a virgin is not necessarily painful. It’s important to understand that there are things you can do to lessen the amount of pain it takes to achieve your goals; It is possible to break free from the myth that things have to hurt.