Facts and misconceptions about the penis size
The penis size is one of the greatest physical insecurities affecting a majority of men. According to a study carried by Lever, Frederick, and Palau in 2006, only 0.2% of the men would wish to have smaller penises! These statistics are very shocking as they are a perfect indication that indeed, to most men, they worry whether their one-eyed monster measures up.
The shoe size misconception
For many years, people thought that people with big shoe sizes had bigger phalluses. However, this connection. Folk mythology dictates that indeed, the penis size is determined by the size of the shoe. However, following increased technological advancement, science has tried to find this connection.
The first research to try and link the shoe size and penis size was carried out in 1993 in Canada. The researchers used a sample of 63 men. From the results, it was evident that there was a very small correlation between the two variables. In another study carried out in 2004 in Britain involving 104 men, it found similar results. Likewise, a 1999 study involving 655 Korean men found out that the size of an individual’s extremities did not predict the penis size. The data from this research suggested that by looking at an individual’s external body part, you cannot tell how large the phallus is. From these results, it is evident that trying to link the shoe size to the penis size is futile. Scientifically, there is no relationship between the two variables. Nonetheless, in popular culture, this myth continues to pervade.
Penis sizes across Africa
Penis sizes across Africa vary in sizes. According to Target Map, countries with green have the smallest sizes, light green the second smallest, yellow in the middle, orange the second largest and red have the largest. The countries that lead with the largest penis sizes averaging 16 centimeters include Congo, Gabon and Ghana.
Women and penis size?
The size of the penis varies differently from one woman to the other. To a majority of the women, the penis size is not the only important thing. Surprisingly, men think that the longer the penis the more attraction it brings to a woman.
However, women have stated that a long penis is very uncomfortable for them. Despite the myth “the bigger the bat the more the home runs”, a study carried out in Kenya in 2014 tends to refute this. There are other factors that matter and this can also include the swinging skills among others. The study found out that women married to men with bigger phalluses tend to cheat more unlike those married to men with average penises. The main reason for this was that a bigger penis is linked to painful sex.
Nonetheless, despite increased research on penis size, the men still view this topic as being very sensitive. As for the women, they have not yet been able to determine why men take up an issue with their penis sizes. Nevertheless, most women end up using derogatory remarks on men’s peckers which might affect their self-esteem.