“Oh, pardon my manners, I’m Mr Paul. Like I said, I have sad news about Mr Edward. We just discovered a motor aççident and the vehicle your husband boarded was involved. We got your number from one of the boxes here while trying to rescue the passengers”
Miriam was already panicking… “What of my husband, how is he, where is he?”
“Uhm, unfortunately he’s no more”
“What do you mean “he’s no more”? as in how?”
“Calm down ma, I mean he’s de…”
There was a heavy bang on the door and Miriam couldn’t hear what the caller said. The banging continued and a male voice followed…
“Miriam! Open up, it’s me”
That was Edward’s voice. Miriam abandoned the phone and rushed to open the door. She embraced her husband tightly…
“I thought you were dẹ́äd” she said with tears in her eyes
“Dẹ́äd? Who told you that?”
“I just received a call from a strange number and he was telling me you got involved in an aççident”
“Yes, but I escaped, I didn’t dịẹ́” Edward replied
Miriam observed all over her husband, there was no scratch or injury whatsoever…
“How about your luggage?” She asked
“I couldn’t get them out with me, it was a terrible accident”
They both went inside and Edward pressured her to bed for cọ́itüs. She refused at first, telling him that he should freshen up and rest, but he desperately pleaded with her and she agreed. After everything, he slept off and she went to sit at the door, wondering why he would demand for s.ehx in such time
She sat there till her children came back from school. She welcomed them and told them that their father was back. The children rushed inside and came out again, telling her that they didn’t see anyone inside
Miriam went inside to confirm that what they were saying was true. Edward was nowhere to be seen
Just then, there was a knock on the door. It was a road safety officer with some policemen and other random people. The road safety officer spoke up…
“Good afternoon ma. You’re Mrs Miriam Salem right?”
Miriam was lost but she nodded
“You must have received a call earlier from one Mr Paul concerning your husband. Please we need someone to come claim the cør̃psẹ́ of Mr Edward”
…To Be Continued…
Episode 2
“No! No! There’s no way this happened, no way! It’s not possible!” Miriam shouted as she collapsed to the floor, crying
Her children rushed to comfort her, still clueless as to why she was crying. The officers who broke the news to her were also surprised.
She just saw Edward few hours before the officers’ visit, and even though it felt awkward because he was just arriving from a long journey, she agreed to his urgent demand for sehx not knowing he was a ghöst
In reality, her husband, Edward had díẹ́d in a road accident on his way back.
The officers urged her to follow them and claim the cør̃psẹ́, and she did so after much weeping.
Miriam tried to move on and forget the loss but the trauma of sleeping with a ghøst stayed with her. She never forgot
She dẹ́stroyed all of Edward’s pictures and belongings in a bid to forget him but it didn’t work. So she decided to get another partner, perhaps a new husband, just to make her forget the ghøst experience
Danny came through not so long after. Precisely two months after Edward’s büríäl, Danny and Miriam got in a serious relationship
To Miriam, Danny was caring, romantic, calm and kind. He understood that she was still recovering from the loss of her husband and he didn’t have a problem with her mood swings. Her two children liked him too
But Miriam never told him about the ghøst. She kept it to herself, not wanting to spoil her relationship with Danny.
Already, they were looking forward to their marriage, as they decided not to touch each other until then.
But eventually, something strange happened that made Danny leave her…
About two months into their relationship, Miriam’s stomach started protruding, getting bigger and bigger. This was exactly four months from the day Edward díẹ́d.
Danny also noticed signs of pregnancy from her and raised the topic…
“Miriam, I have noticed this for days now and you’re not saying anything about it. Now I want to know, are you pregnant?” He asked
“What are you talking about? You and I know that I haven’t seen anyone since my husband died. Why are you asking such questions?” Miriam asked back
“Because it’s obvious. Everyone can see it, or are you telling me that you haven’t noticed the symptoms?”
Miriam was silent. Danny continued…
“You know what? I’m leaving. When you’re ready to say the truth, call me”
Danny left the house
Miriam decided to do a test that same day and it was confirmed, she was pregnant
She asked the doctor to help her trace the exact day she got pregnant. When she was told, she passed out.
…To Be Continued…