Continue from the last scene
One part of me prayed for her to look for me in the crowd and the other part of me doubted it, she must have probably forgotten about a “thing” like me, she wouldn’t care to find me but I was wrong, when I heard the director ( Mr UCHE) called it a day, I saw her park her things quickly and joined the crowd, at first I wasn’t sure, I thought she was trying to escape me, then she walked around and around, looking for something or someone that was when my faith lights up, it was my village and no matter how big the market is the blind always knows the way to his home, I entered the crowd and went to hold her hand, immediately she saw me she sign.
There you are, I have been looking for you for close to an hour girl
Sorry I got lost in the crowd too.
So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?
Please let’s do it in my house please?
(She turn to look at his colleagues) hmm hmmm I don’t think that’s a good ideal ( she pause) what’s your name again?
Lesley emaka that’s my name
Wow nice name for a village girl (we both laughed) my friends over there are waiting for me so I can’t follow you home, but we can sit somewhere here and talk.
What if I wait till tomorrow when you free to come to my place?
( She was silent for a very long time) d–n today’s party and fun…. Let’s go Lesley.
At that moment I believe my instinct are never wrong, in all the people that could be my mentor, my heart chose mercy Johnson, and she didn’t disappoint me. We got to my house which was a hut, she didn’t seem concern that I brought her to a place like that, I offered her a sit which she cheerfully accepted, I quickly cooked something for us both I needed to eat too since the previous evening I have neither eaten non drank anything. I brought the food to her I was thinking she would reject my poor meal but she didn’t she washed her hands and ate with a nobody like me.
Oh my God you are a good d–n cook les( she said smiling)
Thanks ma
Drop the “ma” stuff it make me feel old ( she chuckles) just call me mercy
I cant call your name ma, permit me to call you Anuty.
OK you can can me Anuty….so tell me is there more from where this came from? (She said pointing to the food)
Enough to last for the whole night ma, ( I laughed)
After the meal I parked my plates to the kitchen before I return back to join her outside my house.
Forgive my manner Lesley, where are your parents?
Come I will show you.
I held her hand and walked her to our back yard where my parents were both buried, she was silent I guess fighting with her feelings of ” I don’t wanna cry in present of a stranger”
My dad died first, that was two Years ago when I was sixteen and my mom died this year.
She turn to look at me, her tears has already fallen, she looked like she was going to console me but in true scene she needed to be console herself, because she was crying, I moved closer and held shoulder.
I’m so sorry about your parents dismay, I can imagine what you been through as a kid.
You know I always thought all those tears you shed in movies were fakes but now I know you are really emotional.
She smiled amidst her tears. I held her hand and walked her back to the front yard where we were sited before.
Take me out of this village please, let me go with you..your house maid, anything you want to use me for I will do just take me away from here ( my tears dropped)
( She opened her mouth to say something then closed it back) Lesley don’t cry okay? Please don’t
I’m tired of waking up every morning and finding out I’m still at one spot, I have a lot of dreams to achieve ma.
And you are going to achieve them les…we still have a month to spend here, you have just gotten yourself a big sister because we will spend the whole of my stay here together.
I was happy, so happy that I got up and danced she’s really sweet, kind and humble to the call.
After our long talk, it became so late that she couldn’t leave she decided to stay for the night.
I la!d beside her and watch her sleep, it was like a dream, the person I always saw on the TV was lying right beside me ( it was a blessing to me) the next morning was Sunday, she said they had a shooting at the river bank and she’s guessing they would have left already, I decided to walk her there since she didn’t know the road too well.