(He laughed) you are giving me conditions now? How sweet
Yes sir, it’s my story, so my rules
(He laughed hard) your story, but is my money that would produce the movie, so what are we saying? But fine let’s hear your condition.
I want a major role, I want to be the main character.
Hmmmmm, you haven’t even gone into any screening, and you want to act? Its not done that way baby.
I don’t need all that, I’m good with this I can prove it.
Really? You can prove? OK fine why not come to my hotel room later so you can prove it more better.
What? Your hotel room? I was thinking you will follow me to my house so I can hand you over the stories…
Awww, you want me to come to your house? Let’s go then.
My heart was free, I thought all he actually wanted was to help me so I took him to my house, someone who has seen bigger house than mine, what would be the use inviting him to into my house? I asked him to sit outside while I get the script for him ( he corrected me that when we were coming, ” its called script not stories or book) immediately I entered he follow and touched my waist from behind, I froze ” Jesus Christ ” I yell I quickly turn to stare at him.
What are you doing?
Nothing much, sitting outside is so boring so I decided to come inside.
Fine, sit down while I find the script sir.
He sat down on my small little bed, staring at my butt like he was going to rape me the next minutes, I was so scared so I opened my bag and brought out all the stories I have written almost all my life and hand it over to him, he took it from me and scan it with his eyes for a while before he said, he would help me. I was so happy, finally my dreams are finally coming true, I knelt down and started thanking him, he pull me up to sit on the bed with him.
( he started rubbing my laps) you are a very sexy lady you know, very beautiful.
Tha….thank yo….you sir ( I stuttered)
Don’t be shy, I will just do it quickly and get it done with okay?
I’m sorry Uche or whatever your name is, I will not sell my body just to get a role in my own story, I believe my passion will get me there( I got up from the bed)
( he got up and held my hair roughly) passion don’t get you there ( he slapped my butt) your fine a-s does, give me what I want and tomorrow I will give you a chance to play one role in the movie I’m directing.
Leave my hair alone, it hurt ( I forced myself out of his grip) why is everyone so crazy about this sex issue? People like you are the reasons parents don’t allow their children to go into movie industry because they think everyone is the same, I won’t join that line Mr Uche, without your help I will walk my way to the top. Now leave my house.
He stare at me like I have gone crazy, he moved away from me a little and then he chuckle.
Good luck with that baby ( he left my room) I sat back on my bed and inhale before I started to cry, ” lord this people I have long to see for so long are finally with me yet I can’t get close to them” I couldn’t eat anything that evening I cried myself to sleep, no matter what I’m not giving up on my dreams.
The next morning I hurried out to their shooting site, just like the previous day people have already gathered waiting for the actors to come out, I was early too so I got the chance to stand in the front role, that was when I saw her, my mentor the one who inspired me “MERCY JOHNSON” I didn’t even know she was a cast in the movie or she was in my village, I push my way forward and hugged her not minding the crowd, she was so sweet because she hugged me back not minding the rags I had on.
you seem so happy to see me
(I released myself from the hug) happy? I’m over joyed ma, I have lived all my life watching your movies.
( she smiled) thanks, we are about to start so thanks for the hug anyways. ( She turn to leave) bye
Wait, please can I see you after today’s shooting? Its a matter of live and death.
( she looked surprise) OK, I will see you after the shooting then (she touched my checks and walked away)
I’m going to wait here till its all over, if all the men want to sleep with me before they help me she wouldn’t do that.. Oh God let this day be the day you have chose to make me smile.