Read Mature +18 Stories in March 2025

Going Nova – S01 E02

Going Nova – S01 E02


Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 2




Chapter 2: Brie Goes Nova


Brie woke up with a start as the overhead light in her bedroom flashed on. It went from a darkened cave where she was peacefully sleeping to flaring bright in a moment.


“Time to get up, kiddol” It was Brie’s dad, Warrick.



Brie quickly pulled the top sheet over herself and groaned. Partly, it was to deny the jarring brightness that interrupted her slumber. Partly, it was because sometime during the night she felt overheated and had stripped naked to try and cool off. But on top of that, her room was very warm and, in her sleep, she had nearly kicked off her sheet. “Da-aad,” she whined.



Warrick gazed at his young daughter and chuckled. “Let’s go. You’re gonna be late for school.” Brie refused to move. “Don’t make me drag you out of that bed,” he challenged. Still she laid there like a pile of laundry. Warrick looked at his watch and sighed. “Okay, you asked for it…”


Brie shot up in bed. “Nooo,” she continued to whine, gripping the end of the sheet. Warrick laughed and grabbed the end of the covering at the foot of the bed and gave it playful a yank. Brie nearly lost her grip on it. “No! Stop, Daddy!”

“You gotta get up, kiddo.” He yanked again.


“I will! will!” She yanked back.



“Now.” He yanked the sheet again and it came free of her grip. She noticed that she felt very strange as it slid across her body, exposing her chest to the humid moming air. It was a strong tingling sensation. She didn’t have much time to consider it, however, as she flailed for the sheet end and grabbed it before it could slide down further, thus revealing more of her youthful body to her father. She didn’t typically sleep without clothes on, but for some reason that past night, they had just begun to feel Intolerable.


“I will! I’ll get up! Just leave!”

Warrick challenged her with a smirk. “Why do I need to leave, kiddo?”


“Because!” she shot back angrily.


“Because why?” he prodded, bemused.


“Da-aad.” He stood in silence, refusing to back down from his daughter’s challenge. “Because… because I’m naked.” She looked down, flushed with embarrassment that he made her say it out loud.



With a chuckle, he said, “You’re such a strange kid. Alright, get your naked butt dressed and downstairs for breakfast. It’s getting cold.”


Warrick turned and shut the door. Brie whipped her pillow at the door, shouting, “And I’m not a kid anymore!” It was a satisfying, if Ineffectual, gesture.



Finally alone, Brie slid out of bed. Again, she noticed that the sensation of things felt different on her skin. It felt like the last remaining tingle of the pins-and-needles phase when her legs would fall asleep. She stood in front of her mirror and licked her lips and touched her cheeks, trying to figure out the breadth of this sensation. Her lips seemed a little bit numb and her cheeks had a slight buzz, too, but outward appearances suggested that everything was normal. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but she also felt a tightness in her chest. Not a painful tightness, just a distracting knot from deep in her center. She shivered.



She then sighed and tried to put it out of her head. She assumed it was some kind of aftermath from the previous night and decided to ignore it and got dressed. She picked out some lace panties that her mom had given her at her last birthday and slipped them on. The complexity and delicacy of the fabric against her skin seemed to make the tingle stronger. Curious, she wiggled her hips back and forth. That feels kind of good! she thought. She rubbed her fingers across the lace and up over her tummy. She dragged her nails up lightly over her small chest and out down her arms. When her fingertips connected, she switched hands, now retracing the route down the opposite side. When she got back down to her underwear line, she was feeling blissful.


“Brie!” It was her dad, breaking her out of her reverie for the second time that morning.

“I know, dad, I’m coming!” Putting her curiosity aside, Brie threw on some jeans and a light, billowy top with a wide neck and then headed down the stairs. With each stair, she felt more and more acutely aware of the clothes she was wearing. The top flowed around her figure as she moved, shooting sparks through her sides, tummy, and especially her nipples. It all seemed to travel into the knot she was feeling in her chest. The areas where her Jeans bunched, at her knees and around her upper thighs and crotch felt like tiny little firecrackers going off around her private area. She felt somehow extra-sensitive all over. These feelings were foreign to her and she barely knew what to think. Yet she wasn’t afraid. She was actually feeling pretty good.



Once she sat down at the breakfast table and stopped moving so much, the sensations ebbed and she could think again. Her mom and dad were already seated. “Glad you could make it,” her dad joked. It was the same joke he told her every morning. She just rolled her eyes. She ate her cereal in silence, trying to block out the new sensations she was feeling from her thoughts. But, in attempting not to think about it, it was all she could think about! Every time she moved her arm to scoop up some more cereal in her spoon, her top would shift around her shoulders and chest and contribute to the lightning ball building inside of her. She had no more than a few bites of her breakfast when her mom, Hazel, broke her way into Brie’s daydream.


“Honey, it might be time we get you a bra.”


“Morm, what?” Brie had never had a need for a bra in the past. Even now, wearing one would feel like a purely cosmetic decision at best. Her chest was always girlish, her figure androgynous, like a high fashion model’s. She mostly stayed out of the fire of her peers, but she wasn’t unfamiliar from the jeers of horny boys coaxing her to show them her “mosquito bites”.


“You just might be getting to that point in your life where you need one,” her mother hinted transparently.



Brie didn’t understand, but looked down at her chest to see what her mom could possibly be talking about. Then she saw it. Both of her nipples were standing out very prominently against the slight fabric of the shirt. Brie quickly shrugged her shoulders in embarrassment, shifting the fabric to a more concealing position. “I’ll go change my shirt,” she bristled.



Warrick looked at his watch. “Oops, no time today, kiddo, we gotta go! You can finish your breakfast in the car.”


Her mother smiled warmly and nodded, “We’ll go to the store tonight and pick something out for you.”



Warrick quickly gathered up his daughter’s things, dumped them in her backpack and practically shunted her out the door by her butt. It made her feel more than a little awkward given the sensations continuing to build up inside of her from physical touch. She hopped in the passenger side of the car, pulling the seatbelt over her chest and took in a sharp breath as she felt the fabric strap slide across her chest and belly.



Her dad slammed the car in reverse to back out of the driveway and, as the transmission locked into gear, the frame shook ever so slightly. In Brie’s world, however, it was more dramatic than she ever remembered. Each time he shifted gears, Brie could feel the rocking of the car, and the sliding of the seatbelt strap over her uniquely sensitive skin.


Her insides felt like they were turned up to baking, and a sheen of sweat began to form on her skin. On top of all that, the vibrations of the road were traveling up through her seat and she felt a strong tingling emanating up through her ass and crotch. She became acutely aware of the intricate lace of her panties, amplifying the car’s vibrations all the more.

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