The curses cure is master’s seed Android 21 – Hypnohouse
Parody: Dragon ball, Dragon ball z and android 18, android 21.
“Dragon Ball Z” is an anime series produced by Toei Animation. It is the direct sequel to the original “Dragon Ball” anime, both based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. “Dragon Ball Z” is known for its intense action storyline, charismatic characters, and epic battles.
Now, about the characters:
**Android 18**
Android 18, originally known as Lazuli, is a major character in “Dragon Ball Z”. She was created by Dr. Gero, a scientist from the Red Ribbon Army, as a cyborg designed to destroy Goku, the series’ protagonist. However, after a confrontation with the Z Fighters, Android 18 ends up becoming an ally and later marries Krillin, one of Goku’s best friends, with whom she has a daughter named Marron. She is a powerful fighter, with superhuman strength and speed, plus the ability to fly and launch energy blasts.
**Android 21**
Android 21 is a character from the video game “Dragon Ball FighterZ”, which was released after the conclusion of the anime series. She does not appear in “Dragon Ball Z”, “Dragon Ball GT”, or “Dragon Ball Super”. As a creation of Dr. Gero, Android 21 is a bio-android with intelligence and powers comparable to the strongest characters in the “Dragon Ball” universe. She has a split personality, alternating between a friendly, compassionate character and a malevolent, destructive character. In terms of abilities, Android 21 is extremely powerful, capable of absorbing the powers of other fighters.
It’s important to mention that while Android 18 is an established character in the anime and manga series, Android 21 was specifically created for the “Dragon Ball FighterZ” game. Therefore, although both are androids created by Dr. Gero, they exist in separate continuities and do not interact with each other within the official “Dragon Ball” storyline.
. The curses cure is master’s seed Android 21 – Hypnohouse ..