Stars Of Hotchkiss High School EPISODE 4
Read Stars Of Hotchkiss High School EPISODE 4

The guys are in their lounge they call BLUE HOUSE, it is not far from the school.
“You didn’t even gist us about Debby”. James said to Tony who is out of Earth.
“Gee…..”. Spark said and tapped his shoulder and he sat up right.
“(Sigh) am just thinking about the means to get be to that girl”. He finally spoke out.
“Which girl?”. Spark asked.
“That girl…..have you forgotten her? The girl that slapped….”.
“Oh Kimberly”. James cut in.
“Yeah,she is the one, I just hate her but my cock want her”. Tony beamed.
“I got a plan for her already,so calm down”. James said with his thick voice.
“Really?”. Tony asked with joyfulness.
“Swears, wait do you think someone, not even someone special, a girl for that matter slapped me and you think she will go free…. She can’t “. He said and Tony clapped.
“Why are you not saying anything?”. Tony asked Spark.
“Because you guys are not making sense”. He replied and left.
“Yo, what up with him?”. James asked.
“You can go after him and ask, am not him”. Tony answered.
“Spark has a soft heart, he was influenced by his colleagues, he was once cheerful and jovial but I don’t know what happened, all of a suddenly he became cranky. You see that James or whatever he call himself, that one, he is a bully right from square one, he is always frowning, I heard his mum left him after his father death maybe that’s his reason of bullying. Now let talk about Tony, he has five star in bulling, fucking, rudeness, he just have five star in everything. But if you see his mum and dad….jezz they are calm. According to history, he was influenced when he went to boarding school”. Nimah explain.
“WOW, this is hilarious. I think I like Tony personalities, I also have five stars in treating people fuck up”. Kim said boldly.
“You didn’t tell her not to cross Lizzy and her mate Lane”. Mabel said picking her nails.
“Who is Lizzy”. Kim asked.
“That bitch you wanted to sit beside, she is doll 001”. Nimah said.
“Oh….that grasshopper, but wait why did you called her doll 001?”.
“You can’t understand”. Nimah said.
“Make me understa….”
“See don’t talk about that bitch, I hate hearing her name”. Mabel interrupted.
“But you were the one that brought up the matter”. Nimah accused.
They gist till they got to Kimberly destination.
“Thanks for the ride”. She said.
“It’s nothing, just make sure you come to school early”. Mabel said.
” And take care of yourself”. Nimah added.
“I won’t, thanks”. She replied and got down from their car and went into the restaurant she work as part-timer.
Next day
Kim did her job as usual and got dressed for school.
“Have a great day”. Anika shouted.
“I will Nika….. love you”. Kim shouted back before running out of the house.
“Beautiful girl, I wish I can tell her the truth”. Anika said slowly and began to weep.
She got to school and saw the students with different uniform which is entirely different from hers.
“I should have worn the sport wear”. She muttered.
“Whatever a cloth is a cloth”. She said and match in.
She got to the junior block and the Juniors student surrounded her.
She walked forward to hall since they gat no business but they blocked her.
She moved to the left side ,they blocked her way, she moved to the right side, they still blocked her way.
“Seems am not allowed to pass through here”. She said and turn backward.
They all ran to her direction and blocked her.
“Hey junnies, what up with you guys, let me pass for Christ sake”. She said calmly trying to kill her anger.
She moved forward and they all glanced at her.
“Yahhhhh”. They screamed and began to throw egg at her.
She waved same but must of it landed on her.
Kim manage to escape from them.
There is no need for someone to tell her it’s Anthony hand work.
“Bloody lips”. She kept on shouting as she stormed to the class with her eggy body and uniform.