
5 signs she is in the mood for sex

How to tell she is in the mood for sex

Do you remember how excited you were when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend? The whole world was basically on your palm and nobody could tell you anything, you were in love and fucking sure you will marry them so fuck dem.

A new relationship is pretty much all about having fun. You know the little jokes, going on hikes, eating out and best of all lots and lots of sex. Unfortunately, as time goes by so does reality set in and come in the way of having fun. Everyday life soon sneaks up on you and you are just not in the mood for sex and anything fun anymore.

In place of that fun boyfriend who could never miss an opportunity to go one more round becomes a boring man who can barely last a minute. In place of that wild girlfriend who could pull off the latest sex style becomes a dull chick only interested in watching those boring telenovelas, you get the drift.

Understanding your woman is key if you want to revive the midnight freaky romping. Pay close attention! With these hints, you no longer have to second-guess if she is in the mood for Kwichi Kwichi (Sex).

  • She dresses uncharacteristically provocative

In the 21st Century, any woman has the right to wear whatever she wants. If instead of the usual pajamas, she’s got make-up on and is suddenly hanging around you in tiny red dresses with extra cleavage, then she could be starting to entertain the idea of hopping into bed with you.

  • Intimate touching

Hold up. I’m not saying that she will immediately grab your dick when the moment presents itself. Women are usually a little touchy-feely in a not-so-obvious way when they feel aroused. She might touch you more often than usual and that’s when you should make the move.


  • Keeps mentioning sex

Women never mention sex unless they are willing to get naughty with you. Notice that suddenly she sounds more sensual and the topic just doesn’t evade her tongue. At this point, she appears to be turned on by a lot of things.

Here is one Nim Notty trick you should learn:

‘Everything can sound dirty, if you say it the right way’

Notice this and flow with it. This constant flirting is a big hint that she is super aroused around you.

Body Language

Unfortunately, you have gotten so used to spending time with her that you no longer notice the changes in her body language; especially the extra sway to her hips. Sometimes it’s not intentional, it’s just her body naturally moving sensually when she is horny. Stop scolding her for blocking the TV! Grab her and give her the hot sex she craves.

Another natural unconscious reflex that mirrors some of the thoughts she has about you is the licking and biting of lips. It could be intentional at times but always remember that she could also just be having really dry lips.

  • She does that thing you like a lot

Could be preparing your favorite meal, buying you some wine, or even offering you that sensual massage you have been longing for. If this is not something she does a lot then probably it’s her way of showing you she needs some ‘special attention tonight.

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