Once Upon A Time In The South Ch.15-19 – Bardot
Once Upon A Time In The South Ch.15-19 – Bardot
Once Upon A Time In The South Ch.15-19 – Bardot
The comic series “This comic series takes place in the southern United States in the 18th century, where a black slave is forced to have sex with the owner of the farm and his friends” bring up a theme often ignored by most people: the sexual abuse of black slaves in the United States at the time of the 18th century. The story is based on real facts and portrays in a brutal and realistic way the horrors that these Human Beings suffered at the hands of their white masters. Despite the arid theme, the plot manages to hold the reader since the first editions and promises not to let go until it reaches its conclusion.
. Once Upon A Time In The South Ch.15-19 – Bardot ..